handheld consoles

the playdate is pretty much a handheld console with a crank. has many games but the bad thing is its a tad expensive and no backlight. 7/10
the psp is almost a ps2 on the go. the graphics are decent and for a little while had movies to buy for it.it also played all sorts of media you put on the memory stick. pretty decent console 8/10
this console is very similar to the psp but games with slightly better graphics and added cameras to take pictures.its a neat little console. 7.5/10
nintendos last handheld console before the nintendo switch. had some pretty fun games alongside some first-party nintendo games. it had these ar cards that let you play different minigames i thought was pretty neat. overall a good console 8/10

regular consoles

the dreamcast is a very underrated console. i remember playing sonic adventure and powerstone on it. It also was the first console with online gaming. a very good console 7/10
the n64 was a decent console. it wasnt as powerful as the playstation but thats ok it had some good games. my personal fav were smash brothers, zelda and super mario 64. overall a good console 8/10
the console was very unique. the motion controls were fun but the bad thing about this console is it had a lot of shovelware. the few games that wern't shovelware were very good. ok overall 7.5/10