ctf games
- overthewire
- a good hacking ctf for beginners
- hackthebox
- site with many ctf challenges to play
- wechall
- a ctf site that links to many ctf sites
- xss-game
- a game that focuses on cross-site scripting(xss)
- prompt riddle
- a site where you solve riddles to get to the next level
- cmdchallenge
- a challenge site that teaches you the command line
offline games
- vulrnhub
- a site with a bunch of vms to practice on
- metaspoitable
- a vm to practice metasploit with
- buggy web app
- a buggy web app to practice web security
- damn vulrnable web app
- a web app to practice web security
- hackmyvm
- a site with many vms to practice on and other stuff
other links
- appsec ezine
- a github ezine with many cool hacking stuff
- hacker how to
- good document to get into the hacker mindset
- hackaday
- website with cool hardware hacking projects
- phrack
- one of the oldest hacker ezines