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   this is an collection of links that lead to weird creepy, and interesting articles
   on wikipedia. enjoy!

    elvis greatest shit
    List of Wikipedia controversies
    Barcelona Supercomputing Center
    Pizza farm
    the game
    Panda pornography
    Agloe, New_York
    Zodiac killer
    count of st.germain
    centralia, pennsylvania
    tree octopus
    butt hole road
    island of dolls
    Reliability of Wikipedia
    Dancing plague of 1518
    mojava phone booth
    men in black
    Crocker Land Expedition
    london beer flood
    Hamster zona-free ovum test
    Great Moon Hoax
    Norwegian butter crisis
    kennedy curse
    Taiping Rebellion
    Pepsi Fruit Juice Flood
    Out of place artifact
    The Miracle of 1511
    Sacred Band of Thebes
    Wilhelm Reich
    Toynbee tiles
    tank man
    Voynich manuscript
    Allegory of the cave
    Buttered cat paradox
    Calculator spelling
    D.B cooper
    head transplant
    illegal number
    list of people claimed being jesus
    women are wonderful effect
    Schizophrenic number
    shing, aomori
    demon core
    talk like a pirate day
    intentionally blank page
    star wars day
    snow in florida
    time formatting bugs
    dyatlov pass incident
    year zero
    Phaistos Disc
    rain of animals
    sailing stones
    duck test
    quantum immortality
    max headroom hijacking
    list of weird mesurements
    Tanganyika laughter epidemic
    fictitious entry
    frog battery
    ararat anomaly
    hyphen war
    list of unexplained sounds
    bermuda triangle
    latin obscenity
    waffle house index
    flat earth society
    space advertising
    accessory breast
     the licked hand
    new car smell
    moon is made of cheese
     matrix defense
    fallen astronaut
    alien hand syndrome
     people that lived in airports
    Extraterrestrial real estate
    Matrioshka brain
    fan death
    Embryo space colonization
    fart lighting
    list of animals with homosexual behavior
    bread dildo
    human animal breastfeeding
    mike the headless chicken
    Mellified man
    dusty the klepto kitty
    esoteric programming languange
    shoe tossing
    Cigarettes and Valentines
    Puppy pregnancy syndrome
    throw rocks at them controversy
    lawsuits against god
    monkeys in comics
    wicked bible
    Moe anthropomorphism
    global orgasm
    bonsai kitten
    Homosexuality in the Batman franchise
    cow tipping
    112 gripes about the french
    chicken sexing
    27 club
    electricial desruption by squirrels
    ugly stick
    dog ate my homework
    toilets in japan
    fuck for forrest
    world toilet day
    send me to heaven
    interactive urinal
    IP over Avian Carriers
    toilet injuries